TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint and refers to the ball-and-socket joint that connects the jaw to the side of the head. Put your fingers below your ear and move your jaw up and down: that’s the temporomandibular joint. It’s a joint that sees heavy usage since we move our jaws all day long with eating and talking, and because of that, it’s prone to developing issues. Many patients report pain, swelling, and discomfort in their jaws, which may also be affected by arthritis, injury, misaligned teeth, and other conditions. Symptoms can range from mild to severe, and combined with the number of factors contributing to the disorder, TMJ treatment presents a challenge.
Symptoms include:
- Pain and soreness in the jaw, especially when opening and closing the mouth
- Clicking, rasping, or popping noise in the jaw while in use
- Headaches or earaches
- Stiffness and soreness when using the jaw
- Changes in bite patterns
Since TMJ has so many contributing factors, both symptoms and treatment will vary. If you have pain in your jaw or are noticing noises from the joint when eating or talking, let us know at your next visit. We’ll assess your joint and advise a course of treatment, which can range from at-home exercises to bite adjustment, bite guards, orthodontics, physical therapy, and more.
Don’t suffer in silence! Let us help you put an end to your TMJ disorder for good.