Accidents happen... and when they do, they come out of nowhere. When accidents happen, all we can do is deal with their consequences as best we can. When it comes to dental injuries, we can’t foresee when an accident will happen. But we can take steps to avoid common ways we get those injuries, by using sports guards and bite appliances.
Playing sports and participating in other physical activities has great benefits for our bodies, but many of those sports and activities carry an inherent risk for damage to the mouth, teeth, and jaw. Think of football, soccer, hockey, and any other sport. There’s always a possibility for real injury. A custom-made sports guard helps you avoid these injuries. Made from flexible plastic and custom fitted to your mouth, the guard absorbs the shock from any blow to the mouth and jaw, thus avoiding injury.
In the same fashion, bite appliances work to avoid damage to the teeth from bruxism (teeth grinding). Since most bruxism happens during sleep, a bite appliance can help by absorbing that pressure and keeping the teeth from touching and grinding together. Just like a sports guard, the bite appliance is custom-made for you out of heavy-duty plastic, so it fits comfortably and works effectively.
Don’t take chances with your dental and oral health – ask us about custom-made sports guards and bite appliances if you play sports or suffer from bruxism. It’s an important investment for your long-term health and wellness.